民营公司 10000人以上 互联网/电子商务 金融/投资/证券
民营公司 10000人以上 互联网/电子商务 金融/投资/证券
美团点评公司是全球领先的一站式生活服务平台,为超过6亿消费者和和超过450万的优质商户提供一个连接线上线下的电子商务网络。 Meituan-Dianping is a world leading online-to-offline (O2O) local life service platform, connecting more than 600 million consumers and 4.5 million local merchants through a comprehensive array of e-commerce services and products. 秉承让每个人吃得更好,活的更好的使命,美团点评的业务覆盖了超过200个丰富品类和2800个城区县网络,在餐饮、外卖、酒店旅游、丽人、家庭、休闲娱乐等领域具有领先的市场地位。 The Company's platform aims to raise dining experience and improve standards of living through its dominant leadership in more than 200 service and product categories, including dining, on-demand delivery, hotel & travel, beauty, family & kids, and leisure in more than 2,800 cities and counties nationwide. 美团点评不断用科技和创新赋能于传统产业,深刻地影响和改变了广大用户的生活习惯。截止2016年底,美团点评年度活跃买家超过2.4亿。 Utilizing technology and innovative products, Meituan-Dianping continues to enhance traditional business operations and transform consumers' daily user behavior. As of the end of 2016, Meituan-Dianping annual active buyers reached over 240 million people. 2015年底,美团点评完成当时中国互联网私募融资规模极大的30亿美元融资,公司估值超过180亿美元。 At the end of 2015, Meituan-Dianping successfully completed the largest private placement in the internet sector in China and raised US$3 billion, valuing the Company at US$18 billion.